Keyword: public sphere

  • Haim, M. (2023). Nicht strafbar, aber sichtbar: Öffentlichkeit und subtiler Hass im Netz. [Not punishable, but visible: Online public spheres and their subtle hate.] In E. Hoven (eds.), Das Phänomen "Digitaler Hass": Ein interdisziplinärer Blick auf Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen und Auswirkungen (S. 89-102). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

  • Haim, M. & Neuberger, C. (2022). The paradox of knowing more and less. Audience metrics and the erosion of epistemic standards on the internet. Studies in Communication and Media, 11(4), 566-589.

  • Haim, M. & Hoven, E. (2022). Hate speech's double damage: A semi-automated approach toward direct and indirect targets. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 2, 1-37.

  • Haim, M. (2019). Die Orientierung von Online-Journalismus an seinen Publika. Anforderung, Antizipation, Anspruch. [The orientation of online journalism toward its audiences. Demand, anticipation, claim.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Haim, M., Weimann, G., & Brosius, H.-B. (2018). Who sets the cyber agenda? Intermedia agenda-setting online: the case of Edward Snowden's NSA revelations. Journal of Computational Social Science, 1(2), 277-294.

  • 2018: Ausgezeichnet für Exzellente Lehre am IfKW der LMU (Award for Excellence in Teaching), 2nd place, for the seminar Media Communication.

  • Springer, N. & Haim, M. (3/2018). Identifying the good and the bad: How machine learning is applied and applicable in the moderation of user comments on news. Invited presentation at ThursdAI, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.

  • 2017: Ausgezeichnet für Exzellente Lehre am IfKW der LMU (Award for Excellence in Teaching), 5th place, for the seminar Media Communication.

  • Haim, M., Graefe, A., & Brosius, H.-B. (6/2016). The burst of the bubble? Effects of automated personalization on news diversity. Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka.

  • Haim, M., Weimann, G., & Brosius, H.-B. (6/2016). Who sets the cyber agenda? Intermedia agenda-setting online: The case of NSA. Presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka.